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Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) für die Nutzung der Genta Cloud-Dienstleistungen

1. Geltungsbereich

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts, offers, orders, and invoices between and the customer related to the provision of cloud services, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and other cloud-based solutions. These GTC govern the use of services offered by via the Genta Cloud, including but not limited to the following applications: MailPlus Server, Photos App, Git Server, Synology WebDAV, Active Backup for Business, and other cloud services.These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts, offers, orders, and invoices between and the customer related to the provision of cloud services, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and other cloud-based solutions. These GTC govern the use of services offered by via the Genta Cloud, including but not limited to the following applications: MailPlus Server, Photos App, Git Server, Synology WebDAV, Active Backup for Business, and other cloud services.

2. Vertragsabschluss

A contract between and the customer is established when the customer confirms they have read and accept the GTC by ticking the checkbox during the ordering process. By doing so, the customer agrees to these GTC and the provision of services by

3. Nutzungsbedingungen

3.1 Verantwortung des Nutzers

The customer agrees to use the services responsibly and to comply with all applicable laws. In particular, the customer is prohibited from storing or distributing copyrighted content without permission.

3.2 Zugang und Sicherheit

The customer is responsible for the safe storage of their access credentials and is liable for all activities conducted under their account.

4. Preise und Zahlungsbedingungen

The prices for the services are as follows:

  • Cloud Basic: 29.90 CHF / Monat
  • Cloud Professional: 39.90 CHF / Monat
  • Cloud Enterprise: 79.90 CHF / Monat
  • Einrichtungsgebühr: 450.00 CHF (einmalig)
  • Service Basic: 180.00 CHF / Stunde

Invoices are issued monthly in advance and are due without deductions within 14 days of the invoice date.

5. Leistungsumfang und -erbringung

The scope of cloud services is specified individually in the contract. strives to offer services at the highest quality and reliability. Hardware costs and additional services are not included in the scope unless explicitly agreed upon.

6. Laufzeit und Kündigung

Contracts may be terminated by the customer at any time with 30 days' notice at the end of the month. The payment obligation for services already provided remains unaffected. After termination, the customer will no longer have access to stored data, which may be irretrievably deleted after a reasonable period.

7. Gewährleistung und Haftung

7.1 Haftung haftet nur für Schäden, die durch vorsätzliches oder grob fahrlässiges Verhalten verursacht werden. Die Haftung für indirekte Schäden, Folgeschäden, entgangenen Gewinn oder Datenverlust ist ausgeschlossen. Es wird empfohlen, eine branchenübliche Versicherung abzuschließen, um sich gegen potenzielle Risiken abzusichern.

7.2 Gewährleistung strives to keep services available at all times but does not guarantee constant availability or freedom from errors.

8. Datenschutz verpflichtet sich zur Einhaltung des Schweizer Datenschutzgesetzes (DSG). Personenbezogene Daten werden ausschließlich zur Leistungserbringung verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben, es sei denn, dies ist zur Vertragserfüllung notwendig.

9. Änderungen der AGB reserves the right to amend the GTC at any time. Changes will be communicated to the customer in advance. Continued use of the services constitutes acceptance of the changes.

10. Gerichtsstand und anwendbares Recht

Swiss law applies to all disputes. The place of jurisdiction is the registered office of, unless mandatory legal provisions specify otherwise.

11. Schlussbestimmungen

Should any provision of these GTC be invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions remains unaffected. The invalid provision will be replaced by a legally permissible regulation that most closely reflects the economic purpose of the invalid provision.